E-Commerce Details Submission Form
Use the form below for submitting information necessary for the e-commerce portion of your website. This information is essential if you wish to use your website to sell products or process a payment of any kind.
Filter Type:
Sales Tax
Here you can setup sales tax to be charged to specific states.









Order Addresses
These options affect the page where your customer will enter in his billing and/or shipping information while purchasing a product.

The first option lets you choose whether your customer has to fill in two addresses when he/she purchases a product. In certain circumstances, only one address is necessary. If this is the case, you don't need separate billing and shipping addresses.

You can also choose whether or not your customers will be required to enter their phone number and e-mail address when they purchase a product.
 Separate Billing and Shipping Addresses
 Phone Number & E-Mail Address Required
Seller Order Notification
Any time when a customer orders a product, an e-mail is sent to the e-mail address selected as the primary contact for the account. If you'd like to send notification to other email addresses as well, you can specify which addresses to send those to here.

E-Mail Address #1

E-Mail Address #2

E-Mail Address #3

E-Mail Address #4

E-Mail Address #5

Customer Order Notification
In addition to the e-mail notification that you receive when a product is ordered, the customer will also receive a receipt for their order. You can include a message to the customer in the e-mail message that your customers receive. Type the message you would like your customers to receive below.

Any time when you're selling a product on the internet, setting up your shipping options is essential. You've got three options here for calculating shipping costs. Simply select the method you plan to use, and you'll see more options for configuring that particular method.

Countries to ship to (other than the US):

Shipping Cost:
 No Charge  UPS Calculator  Basic